Sunday, October 15, 2006

Picture Day #2

Okay so Saturday I had another appointment to take the babies to get their pictures. It started the exact way it staerted last week. I was so sure at this rate we won;t have any pictures until they are five or ten or at least old enough to sit still and stay awake for five minutes. Anyways we finally had success with a catch, Kai'lie is sleeping in all of them and Julian is crying in one. Hey at least we have something to send Grammy and Pop Pop at Christmas. I'll post the pictures when I get them back.


Pamela said...

Kira, so glad you got a couple of good shots. I am or no smile your family will cherish them! So smart of you to be ahead of the game so you will be ready come Christmas time! :)

Christina said...

I can't wait to see them. Of course I know how that goes, neither one of us loves the post office.

Everything here in Hawaii is great. We did loose power in yesterdays quake, but we are back in business.