Monday, October 09, 2006

Picture Day

We took the babies to take their first portraits today, and this was a complete disaster. Kai'lie wouldn't wake up for anything we tried for almost forty-five minutes and then nothing. So we decided we would just take pictures of her sleeping, well her brother decided by this time he didn't want to hold her or sit and smile for the camara, so after about two wonderful, fun-filled hours of this we decided we are going to try again next weekend, woo-hoo.

I'll post pictures when we finally get some.

wish me luck for next weekend we will need it.


Pamela said...

Kira, looking back, this might have seemed cruel, but it worked! We ignored them all the way to the photographers. Once there, and the slightest little attention they received was like woohoo! They lit up like a lightbulb! We got the biggest smiles! lol

Christina said...

That's funny!!! I'm your mom so I can say that. Don't forget to answer all the people who comment. They are great people with awesome blogs.